What We Believe
We believe the Bible is God's inspired Word for this world. That the Bible teaches what's gone wrong in the world – namely, that we've each rejected God as our rightful ruler, and lived our own way instead. The result is that we hurt others, ourselves and God's world – but, above all, that we deserve God's judgement.
Against that background the amazing news is that, in his love for us, God gave his Son to become a man and to die on the cross – taking the judgement we deserve, so that we could be forgiven without God compromising his justice. God then raised Jesus from the dead to show that his claims were really true. And we believe Jesus is alive in heaven today as the rightful ruler and future judge of all people. The greatest need of anyone is to receive his forgiveness, along with his Spirit to change and empower them to live for Jesus as Lord. This is the Gospel, God's "good news" to all mankind.
We believe that there is only one true God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and that this God has called us to be a family of believers serving him. We believe God redeemed us through Jesus Christ and empowers us through the Holy Spirit. We believe the Bible remains God's living, contemporary Word to us today and He loves to speak to us through it. We believe the Bible shows us how to live in right relationship with Him and others, and tells us the way to eternal life. We believe that:
We will soon hold an adult study on Sundays before the 11:00am service called "Foundations" where anyone can learn more about the Bible, faith, the sacraments and the Arlington Community Church and it's ministries.
Against that background the amazing news is that, in his love for us, God gave his Son to become a man and to die on the cross – taking the judgement we deserve, so that we could be forgiven without God compromising his justice. God then raised Jesus from the dead to show that his claims were really true. And we believe Jesus is alive in heaven today as the rightful ruler and future judge of all people. The greatest need of anyone is to receive his forgiveness, along with his Spirit to change and empower them to live for Jesus as Lord. This is the Gospel, God's "good news" to all mankind.
We believe that there is only one true God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and that this God has called us to be a family of believers serving him. We believe God redeemed us through Jesus Christ and empowers us through the Holy Spirit. We believe the Bible remains God's living, contemporary Word to us today and He loves to speak to us through it. We believe the Bible shows us how to live in right relationship with Him and others, and tells us the way to eternal life. We believe that:
- God created us to have relationship with Him
- God loves every person He created
- Jesus is the only way to God
- The Bible is the way to know and serve Jesus, and make him known to all
- We serve God through expressive worship, personal transformation, and witness.
- We show others how God loves them through our sincere love and care toward them
- The Holy Spirit is in each believer and He reminds us and empowers us to live faithfully for God's purposes
- The local church is a community where transformed and empowered believers belong to service God and others
- That heaven is a real place and it is the joy for those that trust Jesus
We will soon hold an adult study on Sundays before the 11:00am service called "Foundations" where anyone can learn more about the Bible, faith, the sacraments and the Arlington Community Church and it's ministries.